The Physics and Chemistry of Clay
Dr. John Selker will talk about the physics and chemistry of clay. Come delve into the microscopic crystalline world of alumina-silica hydrate, learn why clay is plastic, why it shrinks, why it cracks, why it deforms, why and how it vitrifies, why it is such a unique and marvelous substance!
John is a professor of hydrology and teaches classes in soil science. He is an expert on how water moves through soil – or in the case of certain clays, doesn’t move through it because of its crystal structure.

Empty Bowl Donations Due
WCG donations of ceramic bowls or other ceramic art for Oregon State University’s Empty Bowls Benefit must be received by Feb. 28. Ute Vergin will collect all WCG donations and coordinate transport to OSU. If you would like to contribute ceramic items, please contact Ute at news@willametteceramicsguild.org to set up a time to drop off your items at her studio. Please wrap your donations loosely, so they can be viewed but are safe.

Meet the Beetles - WCG monthly meeting
With a live audience (that’s you), WCG Co-President Laurie Childers will interview Avie Meadows about her artistic journey. See Avie’s cool new studio and lots of her pieces.

OSU Memorial Union Holiday Marketplace
The ceramics guild will have a group booth at the MU holiday market.

November Guild Meeting: Empty Bowls Making Night
The ceramics guild has been part of the local Empty Bowls initiatives throughout the years and is planning to be part of this effort again next year. Empty Bowls is a program that sells bowls donated by local potters and uses the funds to fight food insecurity in our community.
We will use our Nov. 11 guild meeting time to make bowls in the ceramics studio at Crescent Valley High School. Come join us that evening, share bowl making tips, and get your hands dirty!
To get to the CVHS pottery studio, pull into the parking lot behind CV next to the football field. There's a grey gate next to the building that will be open. Walk through the gate and around the far corner where there are kilns and doors to the studio.

Skillshare: Sgraffito and Surface Design
At the October skillshare Rosie and Stephen Wren will demonstrate their talents of using different surface design techniques to decorate ceramics. Their skills in crafting whimsical pieces layered with rich texture and color have received attention from pottery crafters like Diamond Core Tools, Ceramic Transfers, Amaco and Mayco Colors.
The skillshare will be held on the 3rd Monday—Oct. 21, 6:30-8:30 p.m. at Crescent Valley High School. To get to the CVHS pottery studio, pull into the parking lot behind CV next to the football field. There's a grey gate next to the building that will be open. Walk through the gate and around the far corner where there are kilns and doors to the studio.

Corvallis Fall Festival
WCG will participate in this year's Fall Festival. Come visit our booth!

Guild Meeting
Our first meeting of the season will be on Monday, Sept. 9, 6:30 p.m., at the Foundry, 257 SW Madison Avenue, Suite 210.
Laurie Childers will lead a discussion on glazing.

Clothesline Sale of Art
The annual Corvallis Art Guild Clothesline Sale will be held on Aug. 3 in Central Park in Corvallis. We're excited to partner with the Art Guild for this wonderful summer event of art and community. Come see us in our booth.

Guild Potluck
We look forward to seeing you at our annual summer potluck on June 9, 6 - 8 p.m. at the Townsend Shelter in Avery Park. Please bring a dish to share with your fellow clay folks.

Clay Convos
On the 4th Friday of every month, guild members gather at Common Fields (SW 3rd & Western) at 6 p.m. for Clay Convos to talk about ‘all things pottery.’
Our next Clay Convos will be on Friday, May 24. Bring a pot you love (your own or someone else's) and an idea, question, problem or thought you'd like to share. Or bring a tool, pottery pondering, favorite transfer design, snazzy stamp or anything that has to do with clay. This is a time to share and talk and enjoy each other's company.

Skill Share
Anthony Gordon will demonstrate making animal forms at our May Skill Share night at Crescent Valley High School.

Clay Convos
On the 4th Friday of every month, guild members gather at Common Fields (SW 3rd & Western) at 6 p.m. for Clay Convos to talk about ‘all things pottery.’
Bring a pot you love (your own or someone else's) and an idea, question, problem or thought you'd like to share. Or bring a tool, pottery pondering, favorite transfer design, snazzy stamp or anything that has to do with clay. This is a time to share and talk and enjoy each other's company.

Guild Meeting
Our next meeting will be in a new location: the Foundry at 275 SW Madison.
Rhoda Fleischman will give a demonstration on how to make a sab mug in the first half of the meeting; the second half will be guild business.

Clay Convos
On the 4th Friday of every month, guild members gather at Common Fields (SW 3rd & Western) at 6 p.m. for Clay Convos to talk about ‘all things pottery.’
Bring a pot you love (your own or someone else's) and an idea, question, problem or thought you'd like to share. Or bring a tool, pottery pondering, favorite transfer design, snazzy stamp or anything that has to do with clay. This is a time to share and talk and enjoy each other's company.

This month’s Skillshare at Crescent Valley High School will be an opportunity to practice underglaze transfers onto greenware. The underglaze is commercially printed onto thin paper. Deb Garley will have small greenware trays available and many selections of transfer patterns. You may also bring your own greenware. Please bring a soft rib to aid the transfer process.
The second half of the evening will be clay trivia with Mag Ival. The Skillshare begins at 6:30 p.m. in the ceramics studio at Crescent Valley.

Clay Convos
On the 4th Friday of every month, guild members gather at Common Fields (SW 3rd & Western) at 6 p.m. for Clay Convos to talk about ‘all things pottery.’
Bring a pot you love (your own or someone else's) and an idea, question, problem or thought you'd like to share. Or bring a tool, pottery pondering, favorite transfer design, snazzy stamp or anything that has to do with clay. This is a time to share and talk and enjoy each other's company.

Guild Meeting
Our speaker at the February guild meeting will be Mary Nolan. She and her husband visited two villages in Oaxaca, Mexico, last year where the main business is pottery. Mary is especially knowledgeable on this topic, not only as a potter but also as an anthropologist at OSU. I expect we will all learn much from her presentation.
Clay Convos
On the 4th Friday of every month, guild members gather at Common Fields (SW 3rd & Western) at 6 p.m. for Clay Convos to talk about ‘all things pottery.’
Bring a pot you love (your own or someone else's) and an idea, question, problem or thought you'd like to share. Or bring a tool, pottery pondering, favorite transfer design, snazzy stamp or anything that has to do with clay. This is a time to share and talk and enjoy each other's company.
We will discuss our own work. Please bring a piece of your work from 2023 that really gives you joy. We will have an informal gathering to share our art with each other. You may also bring light snacks to share.

Holiday Potluck
Our December meeting will be the annual holiday potluck on Dec. 4, 6 - 8 p.m.—one week earlier than our usual date. Vicki Wilson and her husband John have offered their home for our celebration.
Additional information will be sent via email later this month.
If you would like to help with preparations, please email Debra Garley or call 559-246-1794.

Our November meeting will be a skillshare in the ceramics studio at Crescent Valley High School.
Our main topic will be surface texture. Annelie Haberman will discuss carving and demonstrate the technique she uses on her cups. Susan Pachuta will demonstrate sprig mold application. Debra Garley will show examples of the many ways to add texture to clay with stamps, rollers and how to make your own stamps.
Feel free to bring snacks to share. We will have a break every 30 minutes to encourage discussion.

4th Friday Clay Convos
On the 4th Friday of every month, guild members gather at Common Fields (SW 3rd & Western) at 6:30 p.m. for ‘clay convos’ to talk about ‘all things pottery.’
Bring a pot you love (your own or someone else's) and an idea, question, problem or thought you'd like to share. You can also bring a tool, pottery pondering, favorite transfer design, snazzy stamp, or anything that has to do with clay. This is a time to share and talk and enjoy each other's company.

Guild Meeting
At our 10/9 meeting, Laurie Childers will present a show-and-tell about her three months in Kyoto, Japan. Kyoto is an ancient city with a wide variety of refined aesthetic expressions; handmade pottery is a fundamental part of the culture. Laurie was able to make pots at Asahi, a 400-year-old pottery with historical connections to the anagama kilns we fire today. Laurie has brought back pottery for you to see and touch. She will also bring some new tools and pottery books, watercolors painted there, and new work she is doing inspired by her time in Japan.

4th Friday Clay Convo
Sit down and chat, and enjoy ‘nerding out’ about our love of pottery!
Bring a pot that you love (your own or someone else's) and an idea, question, problem or thought you'd like to share. Or bring a tool, pottery pondering, favorite transfer design, snazzy stamp—anything that has to do with clay. This is a time to share and talk and enjoy each other's company with some good pots.
We hope to make this a monthly event on the 4th Friday, so if you can't make it to this one, look forward to another one coming in October.

Corvallis Fall Festival
WCG will be in booth #96 at Fall Festival, represented by 12 of our artists.

Skillshare Meeting
Skillshare: CV Ceramics Studio
The ceramics guild alternates monthly meetings with skillshare events.
On Sept. 11, our skillshare will be at Crescent Valley High School ceramics department beginning at 6:30 p.m. Keith Moses will take us on a tour of his facility. Just as an enticement to those who have not seen it before: there are 40 potting wheels. Imagine the kilns that must be there! Keith will show his technique to design a sculpted face from a thrown vessel. Bring pen and paper for notes! You are welcome to bring snacks to share as well.
To get to the Crescent Valley Pottery studio, pull into the parking lot behind CV next to the football field. Walk through the grey gate and around the corner where the kilns are. You’ll see the doors to the studio.

Clothesline Sale
The Willamette Ceramics Guild will have a booth at the Corvallis Art Guild’s annual (and 60th!) Clothesline Sale on August 5, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m., in Central Park. If you would like to participate in the event and sell some of your work there, please contact Annelie Haberman or Deb Garley now. Participants are expected to help set up and take down the booth, and to take shifts staffing the booth.
The Corvallis Art Guild has moved the sale from the courthouse lawn to the east side of Central Park in Corvallis, expanding it to include its members as well as our ceramics guild, the Mid-Willamette Woodworkers Guild and the Contemporary Fiber Arts Guild. For the first time, student artists from three local high schools will also show their work, and members of local ‘en plain air painters’ group Vistas & Vineyards will paint the scene as it happens.

End-of-Year Potluck
Our annual potluck will be held at the Townsend Shelter from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. We will have a mini guild meeting during the potluck to discuss events and changes in the guild.

Tree of Life Workshop
Make your own ceramic tree of life with Gary House! This workshop will meet at Deb Garley’s studio on three Saturdays, June 3, 10 and 17, from 1 to 3 p.m. Cost is $50 for materials and firings. Sign up by contacting garyhouseone@yahoo.com.
Submit a calendar item.
To submit a calendar item, please use the form at right.
Please include the name, date, time and location of the event, a brief description and other info such as cost and organizer contact.