Jessica Habjan
“I've been getting muddy since childhood making mud pies with my cousin in our official mud pie bakery every summer. And yes, they were for sale!
“I took hand-building classes in middle and high school but I always had a love for the wheel. One of the highlights of my life was being able to throw with one of the training living national treasures while visiting Japan.
“In 2012, I joined the Not Made In China community studio in Albuquerque, NM, and my Uggo Muggo journey began. I am both a member and studio manager of Calapooia Clay Potter Studio in Albany. You can find my Uggo Muggos for sale there or just come visit me every Saturday between noon and 3 p.m.
“I like functional art you can hold, feel and put to good use. Pottery has always been a form of grounding for me. I find I am the most centered when I am elbow-deep in mud at the wheel. It's the best combination of art, science, and therapy. Plus there’s always something new to make, learn or improve on. I’m constantly growing as a potter and as a person.”